Although there is no restriction on the use of the title “Interior
Decorator” or “Interior Designer” in California, there is a difference
in the inference of the title within the profession.
B&P Code Section 5800,5538
As opposed to a non-certified interior designer, a Certified Interior
Designer is a competent design professional who is qualified to design,
prepare, and submit any type of non-structural, non-seismic interior
construction plans and specifications to local building departments as
well as supervising the construction and installation of the work.
Certified Interior Designers have demonstrated
through education, experience and examination their knowledge of the
building code as it relates to space planning, life safety, flammability
and disabled access code issues. This person in essence becomes your
agent to deal with local building codes and building departments, and
licensed contractors. They have the expertise to handle all of these
different players.
Interior designers cover all types of projects from commercial (offices,
medical facilities, retail shops, restaurants, hotels, retirement and
nursing facilities, to name a few) to residential. Typically, an
interior designer has years of education and experience, as well as
having passed one or more examinations in order to test competency and
to attain state recognition of their profession.
A “Certified Interior Designer," is a title that is written in to the
California Business and Professions Code and protected by law to prevent
anyone using the title that has not complied with the law.
California Council for
Interior Design Certification Web Site
Annie at 415.637.9890 or
annie@annienesbit.com |